Dear second semester seniors,
Class of 2017, we've made it this far. Spring Semester Senior year of college is upon us. We are almost done! But then you have that moment of realization "oh sh$@" what the heck I am going to do after school. Ever since you can remember you have had the structure of school, summers off, holiday breaks, it's a good pattern to be in. But we have reached the "unknown" of reality. For many college seniors these thoughts give us a slight panic attack, we start to sweat, heart rates goes up and stress goes out the window. But then we remember we are finally free, no more all nighters, no more cramming for a test, or dealing with frustrating professors, but then we go into the good memories. The friends we've made, the life long memories and jokes, until the cycle starts all over again. Getting stuck in this cycle is where the yikes emoji face comes in handy.
Some of us many be more ready then others but others may need that final push to move on to the next chapter of our lives. And that is the moment you realize all the nagging from your parents and professors has all been worth it. And you know that if they weren't there you might not be where you are today. You have to face reality and get out there.