If you were to ask me during Thanksgiving break if I was ready to go back to school, I probably would have said no. The truth is, I was afraid. Honestly, there was plenty to be scared about. Between dealing with loneliness, drama, and the impending doom of finals week, there wasn't much I was looking forward to.
But something in my mindset has changed and honestly, I'm not so scared. In fact, I am looking forward to a fresh start this semester. Every little thing that challenged me over the last few months won't be as scary the next time I face it because I will know what to expect and what to do.
When I am faced with new challenges, I will remember all of things I have managed to survive in the past and I will know I can do it this time too. When my professor tells me there is an exam coming up next week, it won't be so daunting.
We have gained experience from navigating our classes, homework, social lives, and everything else that we do on a day to day basis. There is less to stress about when we know that we are perfectly capable of managing a busy life. I'm excited because I know there is so much room for me to grow.
There are so many new and exciting adventures headed my way this semester and I know that things will be easier. There are new friends and new memories to make. Oh, and more food to order.
Don't be discouraged if your first semester wasn't everything you had hoped for. If it was, there would be no room to grow and become a better person because of it. The first semester challenged us for a reason and I just know that the pay off will be worth it.