Dear Roommate,
It is your final semester here at college with me and it couldn't be anymore bittersweet! Yes, we are a year apart but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Here are a few things about you I am going to miss terribly bad:
1. Your passion for helping children through horses.
2. How thankful I am for your tallness to complement my shortness. Especially when I can't reach the top shelf items!
3. Thank you for always sticking up for me.
4. Thank you for letting me vent all of the time.
5. You trust me enough to vent and let me know how you feel.
6. Waking up and going to breakfast with you.
7. You always asking me for advice when it comes to makeup and hair.
8. Being a loyal friend.
9. Always being truthful.
10. How much you care about about your friends.
11. The occasional "I'm hungry's" which turn into going to the store to get you food.
12. Cheering you on at your basketball games! GO ROOMIE, THAT'S MY ROOMIE!
13. How dedicated you are to believing in yourself
14. How selfless you are
15. Your wise advice
16. The random times when you trip and we get to sit there and laugh at your clumsiness
17. When you let me go to the horse barn with you so we can have some horse therapy
18. The late night conversations about random things, like cereal
19. Putting up with my random jokes and puns
20. Thank you for just being YOU!
It is your last semester and I am going to cry when we have to move out for the summer. Just know that if you ever need me, I am only one phone call away. I am glad I got to call you my roommate and best friend! Be ready for the tears at graduation!