As many know, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is a seasonal drink offered by the coffee chain Starbucks. This flavor has been equated with the signs of fall starting: cool weather, shorter days, and holiday decorations starting to be put up.
Although this drink is normally a benchmark for the new season, Starbucks decided to introduce the drink significantly earlier this year, shocking many of its fans. The drink made its reappearance this year on September 1st, which is still considered part of summer. This beverage, although enjoyed by many, shouldn’t be trying to expand outside its successful time. The Pumpkin Spice Latte, both a warm and a cold drink, has no reason to be out at this point. The warm, fall-flavored drink is way too out of season for this part of the year. The idea of trying to sell fall while summer drinks like Shaken Herbal Teas and Iced Coffees are still at their peak seems ridiculous.
The only upside to this drink is that it helps you figure out who are your weak friends. Considering the Pumpkin Spice Latte is just an espresso with pumpkin flavoring, it shows you which of the people you associate with are too weak to handle an espresso. You need to get rid of your weak friends early, an upside that the early return of this drink has to offer.
The Pumpkin Spice Latte, while it is enjoyed by many, should stay in its own season: fall. Although there are some upsides to the drink that marks the beginning of fall, there is no reason bring it back so early. So, please, stay in your season.