Are you an English major? Or even a minor? Then you’ll understand when I say that professors do not care about five other papers you have to write. They only want the polished 10-page paper they assigned. You know damn well they are saying “oh well” in their head, while smiling politely and say something that means what they said in their head.
What professors do no get, but they say they do, is that students have a life. They are juggling multiple things outside of the classroom and sometimes the papers they assign is not on their priority list. I am not saying that it is the professor’s fault or anything, but I am just asking for an honest understanding not the fake “oh yes! I definitely understand”.
The thing I ask from professors is to think some things through when creating the syllabus or assigning the paper deadline. Just think that there are other courses the students take that ask for a lot as well. I think that professors have forgotten that they used to be students as well, and how they had it. But, I guess they have forgotten it once they became professors. I am not saying that professors are some evil witches who love to torture students, they don’t but the papers they assign all at once make students stress a lot. Students sit in front of their laptop screen stressing about which paper to start first. All professors want are polished papers with perfect MLA citations.
When professors give out assignments that are due around the same time, they fail to understand that students have other responsibilities at home, family and work. For instance, if a student works, barely gets any sleep and must come to school for professors to be telling students to have this, this and this in their papers and to meet their expectations, they’re going to want to pull their hair out.
There was this incident where this student was supposed to bring in a draft of her whole paper and she just brought less than half of it and the professor was not pleased. The student tried to reason with her saying that they had other class work to do as well. The professor’s assignments were due back to back, so it was a little difficult for her to bring in a draft. The professor retorted back stating that she is a full-time student, she should be spending at least 3 hours doing her work. The student replied that it was not possible for her due to her work schedule. If she received financial aid, she would not have to worry about working and would spend 3 hours doing her work. The only thing the professor had to say was, “well you have to figure something out and manage your time better”.
This might seem like a hate-type article against professors, but it is not. I am trying to show that students have it hard sometimes and professors should take that into consideration when assigning assignments. Also, we as a the student population ask for a little understanding. If they understand our situation, we might understand theirs as well. This is only what we ask for!