Dear Privileged Do-Gooder,
I’d say you know who you are, but odds are, you actually don’t. I think it’s time you and I had a talk. I see you out there, saving the world. Building a school in an underprivileged village, trying to save the Great Barrier Reef, or even enacting social change or reform right here in your home country. Yes, I see you, but I also see that passive aggressive Facebook status or tweet you couldn't help but post about how “most people” are only “Facebook Activists”. You know the people. I mean, whether it’s “Save the Bees”, or gun reform, or the struggles and atrocities in third-world countries, many of us—Millennials especially—have a lot to say but not a lot to show for it when it comes to taking on the real issues. But before you—studying at a prestigious four-year college to be a wildlife veterinarian—call someone out on social media for their many words but little action, there’s something I pray you consider: your privilege.
Yes, your privilege, not based on your race or gender as our generation so loves to focus on, but your education. Because while you were studying to be a wildlife vet or a surgeon or a lawyer, many people with similar backgrounds to you weren't so lucky. Maybe you don't realize this privilege because you came from a tough background. maybe you grew up poor, maybe you're still poor; maybe, like many of us, the only reason you can even go to college is scholarships and loans. Maybe you struggled and worked your ass off, and you should be proud for that. But you still got here, you're getting the higher education, and you’ll go further for it. You’ll get to change the world because you’ll have the chance to. Because yes, some people who don’t go to college had a choice, and they chose to opt out. But some didn’t. Some people have a family that is depending on them for a place to live and food to eat, so they can’t be taking out college loans and getting an education. Some people aren’t physically or mentally healthy enough to go out and change the world, no matter how badly they wish they could.
So, yes. You, do-gooder, have been given the gift of privilege. And you aren't squandering it, you’re going out and fighting the good fight, and saving the rainforest and traveling with the peace corps and doing your part trying to make the world a better place. But I beg of you, before you internally (or publicly) condemn those “Facebook Activists”, consider that maybe that’s all they can do. And while you're doing your part, so are they, raising some awareness where they can, or donating some money to cancer research, while they work two jobs and try to go to community college, or while they take care of their kids and work at the grocery store. Keep fighting your good fight, and saving the world, but don't forget that while you’re saving the world, some people are just trying to save themselves, and that’s okay too.
Another Privileged College Kid