Dear President Elect Donald Trump,
Congratulations on getting elected. You have quite the ride ahead of you, but I'm sure you already know that. Now I'm not writing you this letter because you are Donald Trump, I'm writing you this letter because you are the president-elect, the president to be, the president with the opportunity to make this country better.
I'm not here to tell you why I like you or why I don't like you, or what I agree with or disagree with. I'm simply here to tell you that I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful for a brighter future. I'm hopeful for this country- that it'll be stronger, smarter and better than it ever has been before. Most of all, I'm hopeful that you're hopeful. I hope and pray that you see the potential that I see, in this country and in its people. I'm hopeful for you.
I hope that you'll prove yourself. I hope that you'll prove yourself to be more than what the media portrays you to be. I hope that within that anger there is passion and drive and that deep down inside, your words come from good intentions.
I hope that you'll understand. Every heart carries a different story, every life has followed a different path, and I hope you understand and honor individuality. I hope that you have perspective on every situation and that you go about everything accordingly. I hope you consider the best for this country, but more importantly the people in it.
I hope that you'll love. We would both be lying to ourselves if we said that America was full of love, especially right now. There are riots in the streets, men and women alike are saying hateful things, putting words in each others' mouths, misguided intentions in each others' hearts, so my God, more than anything I hope that you will love, and show this country how to love again.
We need to stop being the Disunited States of America and I hope you see that. We need to come together again, because at the end of the day we are one in the same. We are all humans, in need of love and patience and understanding.
President Elect Donald Trump, I am so incredibly hopeful. I hope that you will truly, make America great again.