Dear Pop Pop,
The first thing to say is people miss you. You made an impact not only on your family, but the people that surround you. Nobody realizes it either till you're gone. Once you leave this world to join God and his angels we don't truly realize how much you meant to us.
The most important thing to you was family, but the people you bragged most about were your grandkids. You always supported us through all the sports we played by going to every game or competition. The drive could be two hours away but you best believe we would hear you screaming and cheering us on. You were our number one fan. People even told us at your visitation how proud you were of us. Not only were you our fan but you were our mentor.
You taught us many life lessons growing up. One lesson you taught me is that nothing comes easy in life. To put this point across every time we would come to visit you we were instantly put to work. If everything wasn't met to your expectations we had to go back and finish it. I remember when I thought I had finished picking up some sticks out of the yard, you'd go around the yard making sure that I had picked every single stick up. But that isn't the only lesson you taught me.
You also taught me that with certain challenges we can earn a reward. I can't remember if I was eight or seven but we saw this huge pile of rocks on the side of highway 393. I made some comment along the lines that I wish I could climb it. You pulled over and said if I got all the way to the top that you'd take me to get a frosty. Now take into mind this pile was probably thirty feet tall. Every time I tried to stop you would push me to keep going. Eventually, I made it to the top. Of course the big challenge after that was getting back down, but that frosty was worth it.
When you first passed we didn't know how many family members would show up. As the visitation went on not only did family pour in, but all of the others that you had impacted came to say goodbye. Some of them I hadn't even met. They would tell us the stories you had together or even how they met you. The more they told us the more we realized that you were something special to them too. After all, you had a talent for making people smile.
If one of us grandkids, Mom mom or your kids would be upset about something or just not having a good day, you would make sure that we weren't like that for long. You'd crack some wise joke or even tell us a story that would always start out "Back in my day" and we knew we were in for a long story, but it was all worth it.
There are so many days that I wish you were still here. When I first found out I was going to travel I was so excited. I was going to call you and everything, but as I typed your phone number in I realized I wouldn't get to tell you. Just to cope with it I had to listen to one of the many voicemails that you had left. I still know you're watching over me because every time I've wanted to quit you've sent me a sign not to. Whether it was making it rain harder or even me losing my wallet so I would stay in my room to do homework.
Every day I miss you, but I know you're still with me through memories. I'm just glad I was lucky enough to talk to you before you joined God in heaven.
"A part of me went with you the day God took you home."
Miss you always.