Mind games do not make me think that you are cute and mysterious. Instead, mind games do make me think that you are a waste of my energy and time.
Dear Player,
I think I finally understand you now.
You are the one at the party that scans out everyone before getting your drink. You see new potentials that could either be a good time for a while, or maybe for a night. When the music starts to play you seek out the that one person from the group. No, I am not talking about the confident alpha female or male, because that would be too much work. They have that inner knowledge and they picked up on your game earlier. You would have to actually get their attention and that isn’t who you are.
So instead you go for the one who is the seemingly weakest one or the omega. The one that you know that will work to impress you with words of praise. At the end of the night that is one that you have eating out of your hand. Here is the kicker though, that person has no idea about your game plan at all do they? You make sure that you text them every other day, and if you guys do hang out it’s not a date. It will never be a date, maybe the occasional hook up but never a date.
I say all that with confidence, because I have seen it happen multiple times. Females it isn’t just guys that are doing the playing either. Let us be honest for a second, because we all know at least one girl who will mess with two dudes at the same time. I have seen my guy friends date some girl to just find out that she was never interested, but she just liked the game too much. I am not saying that you have to stop doing what you are doing. No, go ahead and keep up the good work. I applaud you because, mind games would just me dizzy at the end of the day. Having to decide how to move the chess pieces across the board is just not my style.
The only thing I have to say to is that I don’t have time for games anymore. Before, you were the type that I would fall head over heels for. You have that inner confidence with a tack of cockiness that makes you desirable. For a long time that was just what I wanted, but I figured out quickly that at the end of that path there was no rainbows or pots of gold. Instead there was just broken hearts and cheap ice cream.
Actually, I guess all in all I am kind of grateful for you. Without being played a couple of times, I would have never come to realize the differences between wanting someone and wanting to be with someone. I would have never known that instead of dedicating all of my time to someone else, I should have put that effort into making myself better. I have spent so much time on trying to decode your mind games that I forgot what it actually meant to be with someone that was genuine. So, yes thank you for being a player and breaking my confidence and making me question myself. I finally recognize that you were stepping stone in this great scheme of life.