Dear Planet Earth,
Are you proud of what has become of you? Not who you have become, as the choices were not yours; you simply held the keys to the choice made. Are you meant for the reason we use you? Factoring in any personal religious or foundational beliefs, why do you have the components that you have? Maybe it is open to interpretation and one way is right for one population and not for another. Maybe it is cultural. I hope you understand I write this to also understand and to help.
As an adventurer and answer seeker, I often think of the purpose of why everything was created. The blooming mayflowers in my backyard, the dirt I have used to plant grass, and the skies I frequent on various trips and travels. Why these? Did you put them here so we as humans, can seek out the answers and figure out what is so indispensable about sed mayflower? We have purposes as humans, or at the least we seek out experiences that make us feel alive. Perhaps we never find our best purpose. But we do have purposes. Does every other plant, organism, mountain, and rock have a purpose too?
I realize, Planet Earth, you may believe I am slightly crazy as you read this. I have seen your deeper meanings through nature and hope you have seen mine through action. I refuse to believe everything only is just a name.
So, are you happy with what we have used you for? Did you always want planes to fly, fossil fuels to be extracted, and Antarctica as a far off place not frequently visited? I wonder if humanity is figuring or has figured it out. I wonder if we are doing it right or wrong. And I wonder if we knew the answer, if we would change.
Much love,
Someone who hopes they are using you for good