Dear person I rejected,
I know you're probably mad right now. Maybe hurt and sad, very upset or maybe not upset at all. You probably think that I don't care about you at all and that I'm very selfish and blind so not see how wonderful you are. It might seem like I was totally into you and then Boom! Just like that I'd decided I wanted nothing more to do with you. I invite you to go ahead and think those things if they make the situation any easier for you, but most of these kind of thoughts are inaccurate and won't help you feel any better, and they won't make me change my mind.
As a person who has been on both sides of rejection, I can relate to how you might feel, and I am honestly sorry if I have caused you any pain. I've felt the shame and embarrassment, the wondering why I'm not good enough, the what could I have done differently to keep you with me. Please know that when I turned you away, I hurt myself as well. Knowing I might be the cause of creating these insecurities in someone makes me feel sick. Things between us weren't always meant to end. At first, our conversations were always exciting and made me feel happy and important. We could talk about anything and everything, continuously learning about each other. The way you'd look at me, or stand next to me, well those moments made my breath catch and my heart restart. However, there are bound to be arguments. Little comments said in passing that might seem unimportant at the time, but tell of a deeper character flaw that will wear as time goes by. Words and thoughts will transfer carelessly and cut to the quick. That sense of comfort wears away and is replaced by a sense of expectancy and obligation. Those daily messages that started off sweet and attentive are now persistent and somewhat annoying. The chemistry has run its course and is now fizzled out. Call it what you will, many good things do indeed come to an end. That is nothing to be ashamed of, and it's not a direct reflection on anyone personally (generally).
Being turned away is an often an unexpected and painful experience, but it doesn't always happen for no reason. When that spark just isn't there, or the timing isn't right, or whatever the reason, sometimes things just don't work out. Please do not think that our conversations and time spent together meant nothing to me. I assure you that if I told you I had a wonderful time, I did indeed mean it. I am sorry that I hurt or mislead you, you are a truly unique person, but I'm cannot be sorry for my decision.