Dear Past Me,
I want to criticize you, but I also want to thank you. Some of your actions are regretful, but most of them are so important to the person you are today.
Even though you were not as perfect as I wish you were, you are so appreciated. You taught present me so many important things.
There are a lot of things I wish to say to you, so here it goes:
I wished you would have worked harder in school -- received higher grades and took on more responsibility.
I also wished you could have found the ambition and energy to complete more of the goals you wanted to accomplish; such as becoming healthier or saving money.
You taught me that sometimes you have to be patient. Progress doesn't happen overnight. I need to pay attention to the long haul, and not give up so easily. If you had done those things, like saving money, you would have the money you want to travel, pay for college, or even buy your loved ones the things they deserve. Present me now knows better.
You also taught me to think about where I want to be within in a year and to start working towards it as soon as possible. If not now, then when? Today is the perfect time to strive for personal aspirations.
Presently, I'm more conscious of my well-being, especially mental health. If I don't take care of myself mentally, then I can't do the physical things. I can't clear my head long enough to study, exercise, or even talk with friends. You taught me this the hard way. The best way to make myself feel better is just by doing little things - swapping my old sheets for fresh, new ones, going for a walk, taking to my mom, cleaning and organizing my room, taking a long shower, or immersing myself with my favorite hobbies.
You taught me to get out of my comfort zone.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein
You learned fast that, if you want something new in life, then you have to go get it. You can't wait for it to be handed to you on a silver platter.The same routine will get the same results. A new routine will get new results.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on the important things. Like what makes your life better? What will better you was a person? How can you help people? What is your purpose in life?
People come and go, but some stay. Some people aren't meant to be in your life forever, and when it's time for them to leave, you have to let them go. It's whats best for them and it's what is best for you. Especially if the relationship only causes negativity. Let it go, and you'll be surprised to find who and what betterment comes next.
One of the most important things you taught me is how to forgive myself. As hard as I try, sometimes I do thing that aren't particularly kosher and the guilt settles. I blame myself for many things. But thanks to you, I know will the time is right, I can forgive myself, and that I have the chance to resolve what I have done.
The other most important thing you taught me is how to love myself. I can now accept the fact that i'm not perfect, nor will I ever be. The only thing I can do is try to be better than the person I was yesterday and work towards future me. Thank you so much for this. Because of you, I know what it's like not to love myself the way I should and I know that horrible feeling. But also because of you, I know what it is like to love myself -- I've learned its one of the most important things you can do for yourself and the people around you.
Dear Past Me, thank you so much for everything. You're the reason I am who I am today.