In spirit of surviving Lawrence Tech's first week of the spring semester for the third time, I just want to give all college students a brief shout-out (no matter which group you fit into.)
Dear Fellow Over-Achievers,
Thank you for being involved in too many things, trying way too f*cking hard, and probably being as crazy as I am. Thanks for taking extra detailed notes, helping your friends with homework, and motivating others. Thank you for going the extra mile and picking up the slack in your group projects. Thank you for being the encouragement someone needs when they think they aren't good enough.
Dear Average Students,
Thanks for giving the over-achievers a chill pill when they need to take a step back. You probably get enough sleep too. Thanks for still helping other students out and pulling your weight in the process. Thanks for making fun of the other two types of students. After all, C's get degrees (and probably the same job as the over-achievers with half the work involved, way to show us up.)
Dear Under-Acheivers,
Thanks for giving the average students and over-achievers a purpose and a good laugh when the professor is being ridiculous. Thanks for the good days and the better nights. Thanks for scraping by and still passing a class, showing us the dream of a degree hasn't died in our generation. Finally, thank you for being great people and making college enjoyable.
Have a bomb ass semester guys!