Dear me, one year ago.
I know right now, you are laying in bed a hot mess. You're crying, your mental health is shot, and you feel like you'll never recover. I know you are afraid you'll never be okay and you're afraid of what the future holds. But I'm here to tell you one thing.
It will be okay.
In the next year, so much will change for you. It will be the best and worst year you'll face.
You will get a new job. You will graduate from one college and start a new college. You'll make new friends. You'll meet so many people that will change your life. You'll become an aunt, because your best friend will have a baby that lights up your life in so many ways. You'll move out. You'll go to a life changing concert with one of your best friends. You'll reconnect with old friends. You'll go on a once in a life time trip. You'll have so many mental and emotional highs.
You will end up in the hospital. You will finally succumb to your anxiety and get diagnosed with not only anxiety but bipolar disorder. You will fall into a depression and struggle in school. You'll lose people you thought would be around forever. You'll move out and experience so much that makes life hard. You'll go through another breakup. You'll get medicated for your mental illness. You'll get into therapy and continue with it because it helps.You'll have to pick up a second job to afford life. You'll have so many mental and emotional lows.
This next year will change so much for you. I know right now you can't even imagine tomorrow, let alone where I am right now. But you will make it. You will be okay. You will get stronger. You will move one. You will become who you are meant to be and nothing will stop you. You will fight and fight and you will continue to grow as a person. Do not give up in the moment you are in, because so many more moments are to come.
You, one year in the future.