I was thinking about the other day about how old I am, and then it struck me how old you are. I mean wasn’t it only a week ago when we were both on the bus to go to elementary school together? Haha, I guess not. But to see you grow up in front of my eyes has been one of the most humbling, amazing things I’ve been apart of thus far.
I know we caused our mother a whole boatload of stress. Raising two kids so similar in age was a challenge in itself. Being your older sister came with it’s own set of struggles. The rules were always stricter, the standards always higher, because I was the one who had to be a role model for you. That was my biggest role in our little family unit. Initially, I was excited to have a little brother, than you became the most annoying, loving, best blessing and little rascal to ever enter my life.
I know that sometimes I may not have all the time in the world to talk or hang out as much as we used to. You are going off to college and now we will even has less time to talk or hang out, cause you’re so busy and so am I. There are just a few things I need you to know as you embark on the next chapter of your life.
You really were my first and will always be my best friend
As we were growing up, playing outside and going to school, I always knew I had a friend whether I wanted to throw a ball around or to come with me to a movie. Now that we are older, I always know I have someone to sit with at boring family parties or to come with me on mall trips if I don’t want to go alone. You were always someone I could count on to be there to listen to my problems, be my back up in an altercation, and just be there for a hug when I needed it.
No matter how old we get, I will always see you as my “little brother”
Yes. You are going off to college, to make new friends, learn new things and embark on amazing adventures. But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop looking at you as the chubby little 6 year old that clung to my side. You will always be the little pain in my side, that became the greatest joy to ever enter my life. I’ll always have something to teach you and you will always be my little sidekick.
Never forget how special you are.
I know I probably never told you enough but you are the most important person in my life. You are smart, dedicated, generous, and driven to be the best person you can be. You have a lot of compassion in your heart which is a quality hard to find in men these days, so don’t lose it. I’m positive that whoever you meet in your life will be touched by your personality and your big heart.
Most importantly…
Don’t forget I’m always around if you need me. I will always have some advice or something to make you laugh if you ever need it. No matter how old we get or how busy our lives will be, remember I will always be able to make time for you. You are the person who has been with me through it all, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't imagine having anyone else to be my little brother, even though I can't exactly call you little anymore.I love you and always reach for the stars.