Dear Next Semester Me,
It's me, This Semester You. I know this is probably confusing, but after everything you've learned this year, I have somethings for you to keep in mind for next semester. Please follow accordingly:
Don't drop that class that terrifies you just because you're the only person in your grade, you don't know anyone or because the syllabus "looks" hard. You never know what you'll learn or how much you might like it.
Always go first for presentations and projects. The anxiety of waiting can kill your vibe and result in a less-than-impressive grade. Maybe you won't run out crying like you did for that speech you gave in high school... *cringe*
Don't be afraid to stay in some nights. You need to relax and sleep more than you need to party. FOMO can chill.
Don't be afraid to go out when you already planned on staying in. Sometimes the best nights are the unexpected ones.
You don't always need to order Papa John's after a night out. You'll survive without that cheesy goodness for a night or two.
SPEND LESS MONEY. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. You don't always have to eat out uptown or buy the first round. You are broke, and Mom and Dad won't come to your rescue anymore.
A comfy night out is way better than a blistered-toes night out. No one ever needs to wear stilettos out; you're basically setting yourself up for a miserable night. Wedges are always the way to go.
Bring a bottle of water and a phone charger with you everywhere during the day. You never know when a coughing attack in the middle of a lecture or a dead phone in the midst of a heated discussion might strike.
Branch out. Don't always hang in your comfort zone. Some of your best friends could be that girl sitting next to you in that Kings of Leon t-shirt or that one girl in a different sorority you talked to all night at the date party.
Call Grandma more. All she wants to hear is how much fun you're having and how happy you are.
Try to log in as many study hours as Netflix streaming hours. Key word: try.
Hang out with your Big as much as possible. She's not only there to support you, give you advice on classes and order pizza with you, she's also kickass and a great friend. Not to mention she has a full-sized bed now in her new house.
Stress isn't going to change the outcome of that test. It spoils your mood and the fun you could potentially be having. Separate your work time from hangout time. Buckle down when you need to, but other than that, don't let it affect what you're doing in the moment.
Go to that date party with that guy you hardly know. Unless he's a well-known creep, your night is guaranteed to be fun. Take that risk. Who knows, maybe this guy could be your new McDreamy (too soon?).
Don't use your phone as an excuse. You see someone you know on the sidewalk? Say, "hi." Don't act like you don't see them while you pretend to check your phone. Eating by yourself in between classes? Look around, take it all in—or at least bring a book.
Attempt to eat a salad once a day. Other nutrients are had to come by at school, and the daily meal of french fries and a milkshake isn't cutting it anymore.
Delete YikYak. This one speaks for itself.
Ask that person you “kind of know" to do something. Sometimes those occasions can result in a great new friendship.
Finally, live it up this semester. You only have so many semesters of college left.
See you on the other side,
This Semester You