Congratulations! You've graduated! You are amazing, talented and smart, and you've just proved it. But before you do anything else, take a deep breath. The world has been a blur of stress. You made it through finals, papers and goodbyes to both teachers and friends. With the whirlwind of graduating, it's easy to forget about the reasons why you're here and what you're feeling. Slow down and take time to collect yourself. You deserve it. Take this time to enjoy the silence of no homework. Be carefree about your life for a while.
Graduating from high school is one of the biggest first milestones in your life. Make sure to feel all of the feelings, good and bad. Embrace the bittersweet of leaving your high school home. Reflect on what you loved most, what you hated most. Be glad that you got to experience it all, because you'll never have anything like that again.
Remember how much homework you had, but how you got through it. Remember your favorite teachers and why they were the best. It's OK to feel a little sad that you had to say goodbye. Remember your least favorite teachers and why you thought they were so horrible. It's OK to feel relieved that you'll never have to listen to them assign you homework ever again. Remember what it felt like to have a part in the school musical or what it felt like to win a sports game and celebrate with your friends. Think about the very best, worst and in-between parts of your high school experience. You lived it to get to this moment; the moment where you walk across the stage, say goodbye to high school and step foot into your new life.
After you've had time to breathe and reflect, think about what the future holds. You're going off to live on your own at college. Go out and find the fire inside. Keep your major if you love it, change it if you don't. Believe in your abilities, because I know that whatever you put your mind to, you'll succeed.
As the girl scouts say, "Make new friends, but keep the old." Stay true to this. You won't keep in touch with everyone you knew in high school and that's completely okay. Keep in touch with your high school best friends, and add to your circle with the people you meet in the future.
As you move forward from this moment, remember to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. You worked your butt off for this. As you move forward, know how many people are proud of you, are encouraging you, and supporting you. You are one well-loved graduate. Take that with you wherever you go. Congratulations, grad.