Dear New Boyfriend,
Here is what I expect out of this relationship. I expect you to be my best friend. I expect my friends to be jealous because I’m spending too much time with you. I expect you to be nice to my friends just as I will be nice to yours. I am also good with later complaining about them. I expect you to hold me when I’m cold and anytime you want to. I will hold you when you are cold and anytime you allow me. You don’t have to hold my hand when walk but if you expect me to be at the pace as you, then you should because I walk to my own beat. I expect to talk to you every day in some shape or form whether it be in person, calling, or texting and that is in the order that I prefer. When we talk in person I expect you to look at me when I talk unless you are driving but even then you should be able to glance over a couple of times. Remember eyes on the prize and when driving the prize is the road otherwise the prize is me. I will look at you when we talk because more than likely I will not be able to keep my eyes off of you. I do not expect you to take me on fancy and expensive dates. As long as it is just you and me, and we are more than likely eating, it is a date in my eyes. I expect you to tell me when I’m wrong, but in a nice gentle way although I understand if you do not because I probably will not tell you in a nice gentle way either.
I want you to make me laugh and for you to laugh at my jokes. I want to feel pretty and not just by you telling me but so that I can see it in the way that you look at me. Complaints can get you pretty far in life though. I want to be able to tell you anything and everything and hope you will do the same. I want you to act like you enjoy my interest just as I will pretend to enjoy yours. I get that you are proably not that into binge watching cooking shows and I hope you get that I can only watch so much football in a day. I want to try new things together and not have to convince you to do so. I want to pick out your clothes sometimes and for you to pick out mine. Although there is some veto power because not everything looks good together. You do not have to send me cute goodnight and good morning texts, although they are greatly appreciated and will keep me smiling for a while. I want you to be okay with the idea of me hiding presents for you in your stuff. It is not that I’m snooping it is that I want to surprise you. Alright maybe a little bit of it is snooping but it is mostly about the hiding presents aspect.
I will not ask you to change for me unless your clothes smell bad then I will demand it. if I have chosen to be with you then there is nothing I want to change about you. I will not ask what is wrong. I will just expect you to tell me because I will tell you when something is not right. I will not pretend to be someone I am not unless it is for role playing and then I will take it under advisement. I will not obey you. You can make suggestions to me as I will make suggestions to you but I will never do anything just because you order me to. You can ask me to do something and I will more than likely do it but I still have the option to say no. I will push your buttons because I know how but just know I do because I can and I know you can take it.
I hope we fall in love and live a life of happiness together but for right now I’m also good with the idea of us just being two people making the most out of life together.
Your New Girlfriend