Alot of times we wonder if we had a chance to write to a younger version of out selves would we, and what would we say? I know if I had a chance to write to my senior high school self I definitely would and this is what it would say.
Dear younger me,
1. I know you think that you know everything about everything, but the truth is that even now your just still learning.
2. Don't worry about picking one major for college and sticking with it, because I promise you that you are going to change it again and again.
3.Don't be scared if you start to drift away from your friends, because you will be surrounded by people who love and care about you wherever you go.
4. If your heart gets broken you will survive, you will get through it and, you will come out stronger than ever.
5. If you believe it or not you are going to learn things about yourself that you never knew before, and your going to have a huge support system backing you through it all.
6. Please work on saving money now so you have more of it later, I can't explain the feeling of only have $10 in your bank account and you need this, that, and the other all at the same time.
7. You are so strong and beautiful I wish you knew how special you really are. College is going to change you in amazing ways and your going to flourish in every moment.
8. Finally please have fun and live your life to the fullest, if someone offers you an adventure partake in it, if an opportunity to do amazing things comes into play pursue it, because if you don't you will wish you did.
Even though I would love for my younger self to read these if I had the chance. I don't think I would do it, because it is true that the journey is better than the destination. By me going through the happy, the pain, the experiences it has made me the person I am today and I wouldn't want it any other way. So never be scared of the unknowing journey because it makes you the person that you are today, or it will make you the person you will become in the future.