While watching your Republican National Convention acceptance speech, I found myself really conflicted with some of your points. Frankly, I was left flabbergasted at some of the lies your team uses to enhance the rhetoric of your campaign. Not to mention, the empty promises you gave to the American people in order to remain truth to your slogan, “Make America Great Again.”
First of all, let’s look at some of the major lies you utilize in your RNC speech. Mr. Trump, you stated, “America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world.” Well, taking a look at the data provide by the Organization For Economic Co-Operation And Development -- otherwise known as the OCED -- the United States was ranked 27th out of 30 developed nations with a GDP taxation of 26 percent. The top most taxed nation are Denmark (50.9 percent), France (45.2 percent), Belgium (44.7 percent) , Finland(43.9 percent) and Italy (43.6 percent) respectively. This statistically clarifies that the United States is not one of the most taxed nations in the developed world. Instead, we are one of the least taxed nations.
Now, redirecting your attention back to the RNC. During your entire speech, I couldn’t help but notice the few “Hispanic Para Trump” or “Latinos Para Trump” signs. At first, I notice that most of these signs were not held by actual Latinos/Hispanic, but by white Americans. I understand that the usage of these so-called "signs" is to create an increase in the Latino vote. But at least pay some Latinos to hold these sign since "two million more Latinos are in poverty today than when President Obama took his of office..." according to you. Then there is also this...
In closing, Mr. Trump, next time please use more caution when distributing signs. Maybe try to fact check your speeches. If this letter reaches you, I would like to thank you for your time.
An employed Latino student with no criminal record.