Dear next President of the United States,
I applaud you for going through one of the toughest election years yet. I only applaud because of the way America reacted and for the safety of yourself and your family, no one deserves to be hurt over politics. I do have to say though it's hard to support you when a lot of funny things have been happening. I don't know who you are yet but I know either way you haven't told the whole truth and put America's best interest on the top of your priority list. You spent the past year arguing over social media, bashing at the debates and taking more time to prove your other candidate wrong instead of focusing on yourself, your parties beliefs and making America happy. I understand there has to be some argument but this was just like divorced parents fighting over custody of their children, and us Americans being those said children just want to go to grandma's at this point.
As we all know President is a big deal so congratulations. One thing I do know is that everything you have promised in the past year wont happen over night the day your inaugurated or within a few weeks by you snapping your fingers, it is going to take time. You'll be changing or fixing a lot of things for your next four years but do you really think you can solve all of our problems in just that short amount of time? You do not know what it is like to be a middle or lower class American at this day and time. You do not understand our struggles and our problems. You can hop on a plane whenever things get stressful for you to go think about things somewhere nice and get away. Us as Americans cannot do the same, we have to stick through each day and hope and pray the next day is better. We do not meet eye to eye on many things as the same for the rest of America. Yes our political views may match up somewhere down the line but you really don't get it.
At the end of the day you are not the one protecting us, we are. You are not the one who is going to give me job opportunity, I am and I am going to work hard for it. You are not going to be the one to provide for our families, we are by working our asses off. You will not be able to stop crimes in our neighborhoods and keep us safe at night, we will along with our first responders. You Mr. or Mrs. President are not the one that makes this country what it is, we are as citizens of this great country. Think about all of that when your time comes to finally start making a difference. Think of US before you think about yourself.
With best regards,
The citizen who wants actual change for America as a whole not just for the wealthy and privileged.