I seriously never give you enough credit. For dealing with my mental breakdowns cause I am overly stressed, my boy problems, then the weekends I want to go to NYC/ New Jersey, because why not? I enjoy every second we get because I feel we are not getting enough time anymore.
I feel I am losing time with you. I feel like I need more. I should work less or go to school less, to be able to spend more time with you. And I know that as time passes I will get fewer days with you. I will get busier with my own life.
I am treasuring these moments, the home facials, weekend getaways, the car rides, the Tuesday Domino Pizza nights, the cold pool nights, I am putting them in my back pocket of mine to remember them.
I remember growing up you weren't always around, you were always working.
You would get home, you would yell cause the dishes were not done. You didn't always make it to the school events. Then, I would get a little upset, I wish you were there more, I wish you did not have to work as much. But looking back, you gave Dea and I the best lives we could ever imagine. You made sure we always had food in our stomachs if that meant you ate one less meal. You made sure we had clothes to wear, a roof over our heads, you made sure we were happy and healthy. You made the sacrifice to get up deal with the cards you were dealt with and take it head-on. If that meant working a couple of extra hours to pay the mortgage you did it. I did not realize it then, I was young, I was upset. Realizing it now, you made the moments we had together, timeless and special. If it was just watching CSI all three of us. Or going to the laundromat to wash our blankets. You made it an adventure, a memory, you made it special and timeless.
Mommy, I appreciate all the money you have spent. All the hours you lost sleep cause of me. All the tears you cried, the help you gave me. I can never thank you enough mommy. You are the best mother I could ask for. I can't imagine my life without you, I do not want to, cause when I do I cry. I love you more than anyone in this world.
I can't wait to continue driving you insane, making you smile, making you proud.
You have sacrificed more than I could ever ask you for. You have made this earth a better place with your smile. With your laugh. You are my biggest blessing. You're my best friend, I will continue saying thank you, continue saying I love you.
Loves mama