Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” - Proverbs 31:28-29
All my life I have been lucky enough to have a best friend that I can always count on.
Certain friends seemed to come and go throughout the years, but you did not. You are the person in this world I am most comfortable with. I realize how blessed I am to have a mother who cares about me the way that you do. No matter what problems I am facing in my life, you are always there to help me through it. I have never had a friend that has been able to give me the kind of advice I get from you. I am grateful that you always bring me up whenever I'm down.
Thank you for raising me to be a hard worker. Sometimes I curse the traits you passed down to me, but most of the time I am extremely grateful for them. People often wonder how I am not overwhelmed with all the activities I take part in. The only explanation I have is that I get it from my mom. However, next time maybe you could pass me down the waking up early gene.
Most of the time, I feel that I don’t let you know how much I appreciate all that you do for me. Whether it is making me French toast at 9pm when I am hungry or getting a second job to pay for my horse when I was a kid, I have been so fortunate. The support you have given me all these years is sometimes hard to believe. So, thank you for being at every dance recital, concert, horse lesson, or school function. It made me stronger knowing that you were there to bring me up.
No matter the circumstances in any given situation, I trust that you will be there for me ready to help with open arms if I need it. Most of the time this includes talking about things going on in my life. The inspiration I have to grow in my faith, relationships, and self was ignited by you. Although I may be irritated by your words of seeing the best in people and staying positive during hard times, I really do take them into consideration.
I know that you will not judge me over stupid decisions I make. I realize you may be upset or disappointed with me, but you always do your best to help me learn from these mistakes. I am thankful of how you let me in on your past and the trials you have faced in your life so far. You really do help me to be able to learn through you. I am the person I am today because of the path you have helped me make for myself.
Some people talk about how they don’t want to be like their parent when they grow up. For me, I want to be just like you. If I can someday make my children feel as loved and confident as you have made me feel, then that is success to me. All in all, I just want to emphasize that I truly love and appreciate you. Thank you for being the mom that you are because I would not want you any other way.
Your Daughter.