Dear Mom,
I'm sorry for all the bladder kicks I did while in the womb and the pain you've gone through. I'm sorry for being a sassy toddler and an even sassier teenager. I'm sorry for the sleepless nights I've caused you and the anxiety attacks I've given you.
But thank you.
Thank you for the puppy I begged for, the movie nights I wanted and all the times you painted my nails. Thank you for the shopping sprees and the candy from the grocery store every trip. Thank you for the vacation to Disney World and all the concerts you got tickets to.
I'm sorry for staying out all night and for making bad decisions. I'm sorry for slamming doors and rolling my eyes. I'm sorry for being lazy and letting laundry lay around.
Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for never abandoning me. Thank you laughing in the car with me and making stupid jokes. Thank you for every meal you've made and every bill you've paid.
Thank you for being by my side when I became a mother. Thank you for loving my baby with your whole heart and guiding me along the way.
Thank you for watching her so I can sleep. Thank you for rocking her to bed when she wont go to sleep for me. Thank you for the clothes, formula, diapers and toys you buy. Thank you for giving us a roof over our head and making sure we are safe.
But mostly, Thank you, God for putting my life in her hands and handpicking her to be my mother. Thank you for letting me learn how to be a mom from the best one I know.
Dear mom, thank you.