Dear Mother and Father,
These are a few reasons why we should adopt a puppy.
1. They are cute.
Mom, I have seen you stare at cute dogs on walks before, so don't even try and deny it. I know how happy you get when you play with the neighbor's puppies. You talk about how cute puppies are at least a million times a week, too. This should be reason enough, but in case you need more persuading...
2. A puppy would make us kids more responsible.
Just think of all the responsibility we will learn! Taking it on walks, making sure it eats, giving it a bath, etc. You both always talk about how proud you are of us because we are so responsible and trustworthy and all those other good things. Wouldn't it be cool if we could add raising a dog to our skill set? It's something valuable to put on my resume, so please consider this seriously.
3. When we all go off to college, you won't be lonely.
A dog is kind of like a child that can never leave home. There are exactly 5 years and 1 month until all kids are in college/graduated. Those five years will go a lot faster than you think. And the dog will be trained by then, so it won't be a hassle to continue raising it yourselves.
4. It would encourage the family to spend more time together.
Going along with reason number three, a puppy requires love and attention. We are responsible enough (see what I did there?) to realize that we will have to give up going out with friends some nights to stay in and teach the dog tricks like not going to the bathroom indoors and only biting robbers. We would gladly give up these nights out to stay home with you and the dog.
5. Fitness.
Spending money on new gym shoes and cute workout clothes is worth it because they will actually be used. I read online that dogs like to go on walks. What a coincidence! Ever since I got a Fitbit, I love walks too! A dog will keep our family fit! What a benefit!
6. We would spend more time outdoors.
Just in general, the dogs I've seen in movies like to do things like dig. To prevent our vegetable gardens from being uprooted, we would have to spend time outdoors with the dog to make sure it doesn't kill our crops on accident.
7. A dog can improve our mental health.
I'm not sure the exact details on this one because I didn't actually read the article about it. But it was the first link on Google for benefits of having a dog, so it must be true! Mental health is just as, maybe even more, important as physical fitness.
8. We all want one.
If you say no, we will still get one because majority rules right? So you should just say yes so you are not surprised with a dog when you come home from work one day.
Love, your loving kids who really want a dog.
P.S. We could also train the dog to not go on the furniture.