Last year I was fortunate enough to not have any midterms in both the fall and spring semester. This year, I'm not so lucky. Because I've been oh so wonderfully lucky to have hard midterms this year, I'm finally starting to realize that midterm season is one of the worst parts of the school year, and to ever come across in school (almost as bad as finals season).
Although it's similar to dead week and finals week, the fact that midterms are in the middle of my favorite month, my favorite season, and my favorite time of the year is a real bummer. Fall break is in less than two weeks, and I haven't been home since I moved into college, like many others. The only thing on my mind for the next couple of weeks is getting to see my cat and getting to sleep a lot. Not the fact that I have to remember stuff from classes I should have taken in high school (thanks, ACE requirements).
Besides the fact that my mindset isn't directed towards testing, I'm still trying to find the time to study for these upcoming exams. Having two jobs, being in band and in a practicum all at once is a difficult thing to plan around. I've made it work up until now, mostly because my professors didn't have any tests until very recently.
There are some lovely positives about midterms coming up so soon. Before you doubt me, think about how nice it is knowing half of the fall semester is already over? Thanksgiving is next month, and Winter Break is about two months from now! All that means to me is that I get to see my family soon and not have to worry about school for a while during those breaks.
Another positive is the sweet relief when it is over. Who doesn't look forward to that? It's probably my favorite part of studying.
If you're a senior in college reading this, that may not be as reassuring. So... well, good luck in the real world. It's coming faster than you think it is. Sorry to break it to you. Happy midterms week.
To end on this stream of consciousness article, midterms suck. My motivation to study is in danger. But in the end, it'll be fine. At least it isn't dead week yet.