Right now, most of you are probably already moved in or getting ready to in just a few weeks or less. I’m sure the millions of questions that raced through my head before I moved in are the same ones that are going through yours right now too. “Who am I going to meet? What is dorm life going to be like? Will I make friends? What about the food? Am I going to like it? Hate it? Oh God, what about the freshman fifteen? How hard is school going to be? Why am I asking so many questions?”
Let me just say...You are not alone! Almost all incoming freshman feel nervous or scared at some point. Whether it’s after graduation, over the summer, a week before move in, or even a week after school starts. But I promise, you are not the only one feeling like this. These are completely normal questions! It’s perfectly okay to think up a million questions that you think are crazy (but they aren’t!). After all, you’re moving to a new and unfamiliar place. That alone can be terrifying. But think of it this way, you get to see new things, try new restaurants, walk into new buildings, see thousands of new faces, buy new clothes, and meet new people that get to share this amazing experience with you.
They say these are some of the best years of our lives. You should feel excited! You’re about to make a million memories with some of the best people you’ll ever meet. Yes you will make friends, tons of them. Whether they’re your neighbor, in your class, someone you ran into at the coffee shop, or even someone who helped show you around. You meet someone new more often than not. Also, for those of you who are living in the dorms: You get to meet people right off the bat. Living in the dorms is a huge adjustment at first. But it’s also something you’ll get used to very quickly. It’s okay to feel homesick too. You’re allowed to miss people back home! And the ones that are still back home are definitely missing you as well. But, they’re excited for you too. You have this incredible journey ahead of you that you’re only just beginning.
Unfortunately, college isn’t just about meeting new people. What are we here for? Oh right, and education. Yes college is more difficult than high school, but it’s doable. You’ll actually come to find out that a lot of the classes you take really aren’t that much harder than the ones you took in grade school. Some might actually be a bit easier. Plus, a lot of schools even offer free tutoring. So if you ever need help in a class, get a study group together and take advantage of those helpful resources within your school. The classes really aren’t as bad as you think. Do your homework, turn in every assignment (every point counts), and go. to. class. As cliche as it sounds, going to class can actually help you in the long run. If you have a borderline grade at the end of the year, professors will more than likely help you out especially if they know you’ve been coming to class. So no matter how tired you feel, just try and make it a goal to physically be in your class. Your brain might be on autopilot, but your professor will see you’re there. Especially in those smaller classes.
As for the infamous “freshman fifteen,” it really isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be. Most schools have a gym- use it! Not only are you losing weight but you’re relieving stress too. Just take advantage of the salad bars, limit the pizza intake, and find yourself a work out buddy. You’ll be just fine.
Freshman year really was one of the most fun years of my life, if not THE most fun so far. The nerves usually go away within the first few weeks. Soon enough you’ll wonder why you were ever scared in the first place. Remember you have a whole year full of tailgates, football games, basketball games, movie nights, sunny days, late nights, date parties, concerts, family weekends, pizza nights, making new friends, visiting old friends at other universities, spring break, eating out, and everything in between. Remember to relax a little and take time for yourself. Take in every moment and be kind to everyone you meet. I wish you all the best of luck and I hope you have the best year yet.