Dear incoming freshman,
Boy are you in for a year. You are just about to graduate high school, go to your senior prom, and spend your last summer at home before going to college. Remember those times, they are going to go by fast. Spend as much time with your family because no matter how much you say you are not going to miss them, you will.
Move in day is a day of mixed feelings:
You’re excited to move away from home, start a new chapter in your life, meet new people, and yes of course party with no parents around. You brought all your new things for school, new bedding, new clothes, decorations, and everything else you thought you would need. A word of advice: you don't need all those clothes. Just leave half of them at home, there is mail and cars for a reason. Your parents will be just as excited as you are, but trying to hide their sadness that their little baby is moving away from home. You go ahead and set up your room however you want, but trust me you’re going to move things around throughout the year just because you will get bored.
And just when you're really excited, its time for something no one wants to come: it’s time to say goodbye to your parents. You will hold back tears as you hug them goodbye, and they will most likely be balling their eyes out because that’s just what parents do. But you will see them in a few weeks for break, or if you live close enough, come home for a weekend or two.
What you’re told in high school about college is not even close to what really happens. I promise you’re not going to die, you may have to sit through a 3 hour lecture two times a week, but you will not die. Homework isn’t terrible if you stay on top of it, don’t fall behind because you will set yourself up for failure. And yes professors really don’t care if you show up to their class, but you really should go, no matter how hungover you are from the night before.
College is supposed to be fun, and you should make the most of it. You meet the friends that will be in your life forever, you’re going to meet professors you wish you had all year, and you’re going to meet people that can and will make your life a living hell (but in the end they really don’t matter). Just make sure if you’re going to party, be safe and go with people you trust. But don’t over party because it’s not worth it.
In the end, just enjoy the year and make the most of it because it really does go by fast.
A now sophomore