Dear Incoming College Freshman,
It is such a brand new exciting world you are encountering right now. You are so close to beginning a new chapter of life called college. I was once in your shoes. You never really know what to expect when you finally go to live on your own with some degree of independence. I hope that this letter of what I learned when entering college is something that helps you along the way:
1) Drink coffee
Or some other energy giving sustenance. Some classes on my campus run early in the morning (earliest being 7:55 AM) or late at night (6-8:45 PM). You will need some sort of energy, especially when midterms come around.
2) What you think you know from high school will definitely be disproven.
I remember from high school that I had to write a 12 page paper junior year, thinking that college will be like that. I can tell you that, on my campus, we have not had to write something of that magnitude again. However, we are definitely graded harder the more we progress. My advice: follow Instructions the first time to the best of your ability. You may not always get the grade you desire, but you know that you put forth the best effort that you did.
3) Device Policies Vary
There is no denying that technology has created a shift in atmosphere for better or for worse. All of us are trying to adjust to technology in the classroom. Some professors can be really laid back on technology in the classroom, others have laptops for note-taking, cell phones off policy, while others have a technology free learning zone.
Please follow the professors discretion on the rules. The professors genuinely have your best interests at heart. If you need an exception, work with them. Some are absolutely willing to permit exceptions to the policy if they know about what is going on.
4) It is Okay to Not Date, but Be Honest If you want to
We all come to like people at times and we all want to act on the feelings that we have.
If you are someone who is wanting to date someone or has been rejected, I am coming not from a place of hardness, but from a place of understanding. If you are currently dating and has worked out, then continue reading through because you may learn something new from this.
From the beginning of creation, God has created us for relationship. That innate desire for a relationship is totally normal. Yet, the pain is not normal. We, as a human race, have fallen into a state of brokenness because we messed up through sinning against the one who gave us everything. Thankfully, it is by God's grace that we are redeemed and restored through the work of Christ on the cross, but, until creation is made new, there will be brokenness, even in our relationships.
Be honest. Be honest with yourself, with your friends and family, and with the person that you like. If you want to talk about, then choose to. However, it is okay to not date throughout college, despite what society is saying, because this leads into my next point.
5) The Right Friends ALWAYS Turn the Mundane into an Adventure
Whether it is runs to a local gas station, game nights, movie nights, or gathering together for meals, the right friend group makes it all of the difference. They become a family almost. You can share triumphs, pains, and just the most bizarre ideas. They can truly make a difference with what you experience in college.
In closing, college is an adventures of good, but also bad. For the sake of the other parties, I will not use this platform to rant about the wrongs of college. Know that college will have moments that will push you, but it is significantly worth it in the end.
Good luck on your journey!
Through the Lens