Dear senior,
After four years of high school, 8 a.m. classes, detentions, and high school dances, you finally are close to seeing the day all that comes to an end. You are quickly approaching graduation! You might not realize it, but your graduation day will be hectic. Family will be in town, everyone will be congratulating you, you and your friends will be reminiscing on all the crazy football games and dances, studying together for hard finals together, and best of all, all the rough times you guys endured. You will even think back on how much you have grown emotionally and physically.
Your graduation day will be full of emotions from happiness, to eagerness, to accomplishment, to even a little sadness. Happiness because maybe you are the only one in your family to graduate from high school. Eagerness because you are ready for the future. Accomplishment because you never thought you would be able to finish, and sadness because the people you became close with are no longer going to be with you in August. This last month is busy for you, you have to send out graduation announcements, invites, prepare for your grad party, and study for those finals, especially since senioritis has kicked in at full force and graduating is all you can think about!
For some of you, high school is the last time you will ever sit in a formal classroom; for others, high school is just a stepping stone to getting you into a university. As an almost graduate, you might be scared and some of you might be excited. If you are scared because you don't know what you want to do after, you don't know what college you want to attend, or what to major in, don't worry and don't stress. Many seniors forget that after graduation there are months for you to decide.
To the seniors that are skeptical about taking a year off or even a semester off, that break can be a time for you to learn about yourself, interests, dislikes, what you're good at and vice versa. That break can build you and better prepare you for the future. To the seniors who are excited, excitement is wonderful and you deserve to feel that emotion; you worked hard to walk across that stage. However, don't forget to live in the present, don't forget to embrace your teachers, friends, and even family.
Once you leave for college, your environment will change, some of you will go from seeing your parents every day to seeing them once a month, on breaks, or maybe even once a semester. The same friends you played sports with, hung out with after school, and almost every weekend, might go across the United States to a different school. So much changes after graduation. It's like your life is a book and you are about to close one chapter and in the fall begin a new one.
Even though you're closing a chapter, beginning a new one is even more exciting. Look forward to all the new relationships you'll make in college. Even look forward to the new opportunities you'll encounter to take you closer to your future career. All in all, to the high school student about to graduate, this time in your life is a transition, but exciting is an understatement. Remember many people are proud of you, and finish the last couple of weeks strong. I promise: shortly you will see the end of the tunnel. Lastly, embrace every moment with the people you love and care for; you'll never be able to relive those moments. Carpe diem!
Congratulations, Class of 2016!