I miss the feeling of knowing I would spend two hours everyday after school playing my favorite sport with my favorite people. I miss taking out my frustration of a long day at school on the field. I miss wearing my soccer hoodies and uniform to school. I miss being an athlete.
Being a student athlete was the best thing I ever did. Playing soccer was the reason I went to school and did my best; something I'm sure other athletes could relate to. I knew as a student athlete that good grades were important and that's what pushed me to do well, because I couldn't risk not being part of a team.
Along the way, I met some of my best friends on the team which made playing soccer even more enjoyable. Looking back, I now realize that being part of a team and playing sports builds your confidence and your character. As my skills improved each year, my confidence did too.
Being a part of a team gave me purpose. I was not only enjoying what I did, but I was an asset to my team. I was a little shy, but when it came to playing sports, making friends became so much easier. We all shared a common interest and had a bond like no other. Throughout school, I was the captain for two of my teams and it was such an honor to be able to lead my friends and sports family through great seasons while making memories that would last forever. Not only did I make great friends on these teams, I had a few really good coaches that made me love the game and always pushed me to work harder. I miss the feeling of being pushed and knowing someone wants me to succeed not only for the team, but for my own personal growth.
I will forever miss our pre-season for many reasons. Pre-season was the best time of the year because you and all your friends laughed and yes, sometimes cried over the pain caused by a complete lack of exercise since the last season. Pre-season was always about more than just getting into shape, it was about reconnecting with your team, sharing summer memories, laughing in delirious pain, but most of all sharing the excitement of the upcoming season. It was what I loved most, it was what I had waited for since our last game together. I loved every part of it, every season.
It was hard to play that last game, knowing I would never get the chance to do it again. I remember that night like it was yesterday, the sweat, the tears, but most of all the fun. Since then, I've played recreational sports in college but nothing will replace my high school soccer career, and nothing will ever replace the bonds I had with my teammates. I miss being an athlete but it will forever be a part of me.