Dear Class of 2016,
First off, congratulations! With the flipping of a tassel, the years and years of public school have finally come to an end.
After just finishing my freshman year of college, I remember where I was just a year ago ... I had just graduated, I was excited for summer and I had so many mixed feelings about college ... a place where I'm sure a lot of you are in right now. I was excited to get out of my tiny hometown and was so ready to make new friends, but at the same time I was heartbroken at the idea of leaving the ones I grew up with and shared so many memories with back at home. I was terrified of the freshman fifteen, but was so ready to go out and drunkenly order Dominos at two in the morning to the with my friends in our dorm room. Change is scary. Change is good.
A lot happened in my freshman year of college ... some things were terrible and some things were amazing. But, I feel as if I learned so much in that short amount of time. I'm hoping that I can pass some of my little wisdom to you guys about friendships and college.
No matter what your post high school plans are, the reality of growing up is the fact that people separate. The same kids you went to school with from kindergarten to now will now be spread out across the nation ... different jobs, different colleges, different plans. It sucks and it's hard, but it's a reality. You make so many new friends in college. But, what I've come to realize is no matter whether someone is in the same city as you or there's an ocean separating you, maintaining friendships is about effort. Both people have to make time in between classes to send a text and ask how the other person's day is. As stupid as that sounds, it's moments like those or the late night FaceTime calls that will separate friends that will last the test of time and ones that won't. And it's hard when friendships change and people grow apart and in time those friendships could be mended. My best advice is this: realize how lucky you are to have those friends from home who will make the time for you.
With this being said, its also very important to make room for new friends. I made friends during my freshman year that I know I will be friends with for life. I also highly recommend getting close with people on your floor in your building. It is honestly the closest thing you can get to living the life of the show Friends. My group of friends on my floor this year became not only my friends, but a family. I hope you and your friends at school can make being away from home easier like my friends did for me.
My freshman year flew by and I know college in general will too. That is why I recommend that you go out and enjoy it. Get involved. Come out of your comfort zone and make friends. Take plenty of pictures. Wherever you end up, I wish you the best! Good luck and have a blast!
Yours truly,
Karly Mulligan