Dear Grandpa,
You have been gone for over six years, now, and there's not a day that goes by when I don't think of you. When I was younger, you taught me a lot of what it means to not only be the best person that I could be, but also to try to change the world along the way. Today, I find myself subconsciously using lessons you taught me and I smile, realizing how much a person can positively impact a life whether they are around or not. Grandpa, you wrote me a letter for my 13th birthday that changed my life so now I’m replying back by dedicating this letter to you, to thank you for all of the great times that we shared and all of life’s valuable lessons I picked up along the way. Even though you are not physically with me today, I know that somewhere, somehow you’ll read this.
Thank you for being there when I was first born. Somehow the world knew our relationship was meant to be, and was going to be unbreakable.
Thank you for showing me around to the neighborhood and bragging about me being your granddaughter. That showed me how much you were proud to be my grandpa.
Thank you for teaching me your sense of humor and all of your bad jokes. At least I can say I have some kind of sense of humor, but of course not as great as yours.
Thank you for opening me up to the world of goodies and sweets. You’re the reason why I have a bad sweet tooth, but who says that’s a bad thing?
Thank you for showing me what a true gentleman is. When you either held the door open for me, pulled out my chair when I sat down, or just dressed to the nines, I learned the difference between a man and a gentleman.
Thank you for all of our dates, walks in the parks, drives around town, trips to Yankee games, watching cartoons on Saturday mornings on the sofa, talks at the dining room table, the waitress game, etc. We spent a lot of time together over the first 12 years of my life.
Thank you for sharing your life stories and the things that you experienced in your life. It really did put a perspective on things and I always found your stories interesting.
Thank you for teaching me one of the most important things in life: how to read. Your rhyming games and having me read to you out loud not only has helped me a lot in my education career, but also opened me up to one of my favorite passions.
And one more thing -- thank you for being my best friend. You were not only a grandfather, but a friend and someone to look up to. You were always there for me to support me through important life events. I will be forever grateful to have had such a great person, like you, a part of my life. I’m sure I will never meet someone like you ever again and I’m okay with that. I hope that I’m making you proud and I promise to keep that rollercoaster of life that you mentioned ascending towards the sky. Thank you for the memories, the lessons, and most of all your unconditional love that helped make me the person that I am today.
Love always,
Your granddaughter