Dear Georgia,
As a resident in your state, I have to express my disappointment for the weather over the past several months. While I know you always seem confused about what temperature we should be at, this has gone out of control.
Christmas was mild, but I thought that the holiday weather craze was over with. I went from a long sleeves shirt, to a t-shirt, to a tank top, and then to a heavy jacket within a couple of weeks. I don’t know how to plan my wardrobe for the week, and every morning I have to check the forecast to make sure you didn’t change your mind in the middle of the night. This wishy-washy behavior is just as bad as when you couldn’t figure out if we should be in a drought or a flood. While I understand this mentality has left the state (poor California), I’m still upset by these events.
Because of your sudden cold snap, I had to spend my spring break with a coat and scarf. The cloudy forecast brought out the sun, and I had to pull out my sunglasses only for the sun to turn into rain. The plants that were starting to bloom earlier than normal are at risk, and with it getting warmer again, the pollen count is going to be terrible. This is a health risk for many, and I have you to blame.
Reason with me, Georgia. Please bring Spring weather in Spring, Summer weather in Summer, and may Christmas be cold again. I’m willing to reach out, but I need you to compromise for this relationship to work.
Upset Georgian