Dear future students,
As my student, it is my promise to you that I will never stop being there for you. It is my goal that you will feel that I am more than just your teacher. I am a person that you can come to for any problem that you may have. I want to be there for you through every situation that may arise while you are in my care. I hope that you feel comfortable enough to come to me with anything that may be troubling you. I hope that you know that everything I do, will be for you. There will certainly be times, where you feel as though I am not on your side, but I will always have your best interest at heart.
It is my job, my goal, to help you to grow and learn while you are in my care. I want you to look back and remember what you learned in my classroom. Whenever you look back, I want you to remember a classroom filled with diversity, laughter, and a close bond between everyone in our classroom community. I hope that you can feel confident enough when you walk away, that you have a sense of who you are, of what you expect out of your future friendships and teachers, and that you remember to treat everyone with the same respect that you would want to be treated with, to be kind to others, and to always believe that you can do anything you put your mind to.
While you are in my care, I promise that I will always listen and talk to you with respect. Never once will I disregard or discredit what it is that you have to say. I will value your opinions, and treat them with the respect that you deserve. In my classroom, each and every one of your opinions and ideas will be valued, no matter what they may be. It is my goal to create a community within the classroom, where each and every student is valued and respected. I hope that at the end of the year, you feel as though we have become the community that we have worked so hard to create.
In our classroom, I promise to fill your life with knowledge. I will never waste a teachable moment. If you are interested in it, then so am I. And together we will explore further into the vast array of knowledge that the world has to offer. Together, you and I will share in our passions, exploring new facts, ideas, and making discoveries of our own. Every day in our classroom will be an adventure, with new knowledge to learn, and new discoveries to find.
Lastly, I promise that I will never stop trying to make a difference in your life. Your goals and dreams have become my goals and dreams, and I will never stop trying to help you to reach them. I want nothing more for you than to see you succeed in every goal that you set for yourself. I promise that I will never ever give up on you.