Dear Future Little,
It feels weird to be writing to someone I thought would never exist. It's not that I never wanted a little, rather I never wanted to be in a sorority to begin with. As a high schooler I bought into all the stereotypes and shaming of fraternities and sororities and decided it was something I wanted to stay far from. My friends, teachers, family, all would've told you my senior year that I most definitely had zero plans of rushing. They were right.
I stuck to my opinions despite the constant questioning by girls eagerly awaiting recruitment week. I sat back and took it all in, the fancy clothes, crunchy, overly done, hairspray masterpieces, and make up that took a minimum of two hours. I heard the whispering and judgmental thoughts of each house as the nights passed, I heard hushed tears as girls got dropped by houses they liked, I heard silent prayers leaving the lips of every girl the night before bid day. I was right, this process was not for me.
Now don't worry, in no way am I against rush week or talking down how things are done, but different people need different paths to bring them home. And my path was a little farther down the road.
Ya see Little, I got sick my freshman year, very sick. I got Mono and we didn't get along well. In fact, I was sent home from college for a few weeks due to a swollen liver and tonsils. In short, not fun stuff. But while I was gone, there were only two people checking on me, my roommate (I only had one) and a girl from my major, Rachel. It was discouraging to think that I had only really made two friends and one of them lived with me, so she really had no choice.
Upon arriving back at college I thanked Rachel for caring enough to check on me and she smiled and asked who I had in my life that prayed for me. I was taken off guard and slowly stammered out, my mom? She sheepishly laughed and asked who were the people I talked to most on campus; at the time, it was her. Little did I know that her and God had a plan.
Late into the Winter Break she text me one morning asking if I would consider joining a sorority. I thought for awhile and finally sent back, yes. Weeks went by and she didn't say more about it, I was wildly confused. Had she talked to the girls and them deny me? Was she just asking to see if I would rush next year? Then I got an invitation to a study night at the house.
It took me five minutes after walking in the doors to realize I had made a mistake. I wanted this HOUSE, to be my HOME. I met a girl that sat and talked to me for an hour about school, life, sports, and she wasn't some cookie-cutter, stereotype, sorority snob. She was normal. She was like me.
A few days letter I was handed an envelope that I can say has honestly changed my life. I'm now proud to say that I love my sorority and I love my sisters. Kappa Delta has opened me up to opportunities that I never would have had. I met my Big and GBig and without KD they would be complete strangers to me. So as I extend the family down to you, I want you to know that you are special. You're special because I honestly never thought you would ever exist. But I'm ready to bring you in, pour love into your life, help you through the hard times and laugh with you in the good. I can't wait to post embarrassing pictures of you on your birthday and take you on late night trips to Taco Bell.
So I guess just know that I'm excited to finally meet you. I have tons of stuff for you on Big Little week! (GET EXCITED)
Future Big