Dear future self,
I hope you're doing well for starters and that you're exactly where you want to be. I hope you're happy and healthy and you have a family with a husband who loves you day in and day out and little munchkins running in your back yard. I hope you have a job that brings you almost as much joy as they do and a place where you can feel and be yourself.
I hope you took the past 10 years to find exactly who you want to be. I hope you had the time of your life and made memories that you'll never forget. I hope you took all the chances you could in every way possible. I hope you didn't miss out on life due to other commitments. I hope and pray that you took time for yourself and did what you wanted when you wanted. I hope you found the independence that you often searched for.
I hope that you got rid of the people who didn't treat you the way you should've been treated and I hope you replaced them with people who made you feel invincible. I hope you wake up every day excited to be alive and go to sleep every night satisfied with how you lived that day. I hope you found the people you want to be surrounded by for the rest of your life, but first, I hope you got comfortable with and loved yourself first. I hope you have come to peace with your mind and flaws and learned to accept them.
If you are reading this and are deciding that you haven't done some of these things, it's not too late. Take the time for yourself. You have always been about other people and that is no way to live. You must find who you are and what you want to be. I pray that you find this no matter how long it takes or how hard it is to get there. After you achieve this, I know that only positivity will come from it.
Good luck,
Younger you