Dear future me,
 First I want you to know to not let the past define you although it will shape you in some way. I hoped you learn to not get so upset over the little things even though they mean the most to you, I know. As you graduate college and go to graduate school I hope you discover the occupation of your dreams and fulfill it, that you work hard and will pay off your student loans and get married someday. I want you to take trips with you significant other and see the world as it is. I want you to go explore the world and see where it takes you in life. I want you to get to Paris the place you've dreamed of since you were four years old. To get to see the Eiffel Tower at night, and fall in love with every experienced moment in Paris. Experience your dream of riding on a bicycle that has a basket filled with baguettes, wearing a striped shirt on and a beret while the wind blows through your hair. Hopefully, you'll get the cute little house you've always wanted with a white picket fence, your house doesn't have to look like a celebrity lives there, but a cute little family does. I want you to always chase your dreams, especially the wildest ones! What I'm trying to say is "I hope you find it."