So you think you know who I am.. I promise, you probably don't.. though I can't wait for you to finally find out who I am. There are a few things I'd like to tell you before you join my branch of the family.
As your big I promise to all of the following:
1. To love you with all my heart.
2. To buy you things when you have no money (i.e. lunch at the UC)
3. Let you borrow my stuff even though it may or may not fit you.
4. Take care of you when needed.
5. To always be on your side when you feel alone.
There are a ton of other things that I want to tell you, but it would give the surprise away and that's not fun. You're absolutely beautiful and if anyone male or female tells you otherwise, tell me about it. You're intelligent beyond your years and you don't give yourself enough credit. I am always here for you whether it's "I'm bored, let's hang out" or "hey something really bad is happening and I need someone to talk to, are you busy," I'm always here, no matter the time of day, whenever you need.
I cannot wait for you to find out who I am because we're going to be inseparable. We'll have sleepovers, watch movies, listen to music, and eat popcorn and skittles all night long . It's gonna be amazing and I can't wait to have you! But until then, I love you and you don't even know me yet.
See you on the 15th!
With love,