Dear future children, I don't know when you'll arrive or if I'll be able to have you biologically. I don't know how long it will take me to have you, or if you'll grow up rich or poor. But for however much I don't know at this point in time as an 18-year-old college student, there are several things I know for certain which I want you to really understand growing up.
First and foremost, know that I love you. Always. Before you were even born, I loved you. Even now thinking about the potential of you, I love you. Never for one second will I ever stop loving you. Yes, I will get mad sometimes and be stubborn. But never, ever forget that even when we fight, my love for you will never waver.
Second, know that I love your father and that he loves me.
I vow right now to never raise you in an environment in which you question your parents' love for one another. I promise to show you each and every day what a good example of loving parents looks like. I hope you never doubt that we love each other and that through us, you will learn what a healthy, loving relationship should look like.
Third, we will go to church.
Though I can't make the decision for you to be a Christian, I will present you with every opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Whether you become a Christian or not, we will go to church because I want you to experience true community. I want you to grow up in a safe place surrounded by people who love you and will not hurt you.
Every decision I make will be with the intent to help and not to harm you.
Though you may not always agree with the decisions I make, I assure you I always mean the best. That goes for your dad, as well. As parents, our first and foremost priority is to protect you. So even if life may not seem fair at times, know that we are trying our best. All we are is humans at the end of the day.
You will never be alone.
Through every high and low. From every goal scored to every heartbreak, I will be there. I promise you I'm not as old as you think, and I was a kid once, too. Nearly every experience you face I have lived through as well. It is my job to be there to support and empathize with you. Even when you are an adult with kids of your own, you will still have me to come back to if ever need be.
I won't lead you astray.
Though I am only human at the end of the day, I will never purposely set a bad example for you. You will inspire me to be the best me I ever have been, for your sake. I will not be hypocritical in my actions. I will lead by example, a good example. I want you to grow up nicely, and that starts with my influence as your parent.
And at the end of the day, know that we are a family.
I'm always going to be your mom, and you're always going to be my child. I will always be there supporting and cheering for you. I will always do what is best for you. And most of all, I will never stop loving you.