Dear Future Husband: I Pray You're Already In Love | The Odyssey Online
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Dear Future Husband: I Pray You're Already In Love

You're proof that God answered my prayers.

Dear Future Husband: I Pray You're Already In Love

"God blessed the broken road that lead me straight to you."

I have been praying quite some time for our fairytale, a story I already hold dear to my heart. I would be lying if I said I don't think about you frequently.

What makes you laugh. You're deepest fears. When you feel most at joy. What your heart aches for. If we've already met. I pray for you as if I already knew you. Sometimes I ask myself how I could possibly love someone without even being formally introduced.

Whenever our paths cross it will be my most precious of days. I have been patient, which makes this moment all the more precious to me. I have asked that God hold my heart until the day he feels a man is worthy of a love he's preparing me for.

I must tell you though, I have kissed many of toads in my day. Unfortunately, making me quite fragile and bruised. I hope you are patient with my scars, as I'm sure you will be.

I can't wait to meet you and to embark on life...our life. I'm excited to explore all this immense and crazy world impels our way.

You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.

Wherever you're at my love, above all else, I pray your heart has been captivated by the greatest love story of all time...because it's what saved me and brought me to you. I have found that the fairytale I've desired my entire life is one I'm already apart of. There is a man I will always put before you, but it's the man who blessed me with you.

You're the proof that God has answered my prayers. With that being said, please know how truly special you are to me.

When others look into our life, I pray our love is a beautiful glimpse of the kingdom, full of grace and humility, and of course an immense amount of unconditional love.

I dream our love to be full of Jesus, but also full of endless laughter. You will likely feel like a comedian — it's quite easy to make me laugh. This world can be so bitter that laughter has always been my best medicine at the close of each day.

I hope we play and never cease enjoying the little things. I will be the wife that makes you cuddle me on those rainy days and take joy in the art of doing nothing.

I'm sure you know I've dreamt of a love that never dismishes with time. I believe if two people choose each other every day, God bearing the center, their spark shall last forever.

When our lives merge there will be plenty of beautiful moments where we'll get to share our deepest of secrets. Honestly, to tell you of mine, I will be telling you of him.

God has taken hold of my life an overwhelming measure. So I pray we aren't each other's rock, but rather together we rejoice in the firm foundation we've built in our own relationships with God.

I want you to know I will always cherish you. I will always choose you, each and every day. Our love will endure obstacles designed to diminish all we've built, but we won't grow weary. Our foundation is firm.

I pray this peek into my heart makes you just as excited. The wait was well worth it. I'm so glad it's over!

I can't wait to take the plunge into the mystery of our forever. Always in my thoughts and prayers.


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