Dear Future College Student | The Odyssey Online
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Dear Future College Student

These are some things you need to hear

Dear Future College Student

The first day of my senior year will be September 2, 2016. I am part of the 2017 graduating class and I am truly ecstatic! The thought of growing up, having to take responsibilities and prepping to go off to college are scary thoughts, but everyone has to overcome those childish fears of growing away from home. The graduating classes that have come before me have parted with their families and have gone to colleges from one mile away to a thousand miles away. I don’t understand how some people can easily part with their families, but that is why I have decided to stay local. Lately, I’ve been checking out colleges and majors and the question occurred to me, "What do I want to do for the rest of my life?"

Most colleges are pretty okay with the fact that you only have a general thought about what you would like to major in so that big decision is usually saved until junior year of college. I’m thankful that I’m still in high school and I already know I want to pursue a career in the English realm. I don’t know what exactly I would like to major in yet, but I have a pretty good idea so far. I’m also often told that I am the most prepared person for all the ups and downs life has to offer, but nothing could prepare you to make a big decision like deciding what career you would like to study for four years. Like I said, you should have a basic knowledge of what you want to do going into college or it is pointless going into college and not really having a motive.

College is the most stressful but the most exciting point in your academic career, so make it good! You pay for college so you might as well make it worth your while!

High school friends drift off, but college ones are here to stay. In high school, everyone pursues their diploma so there's a pretty good chance that for the four years in high school, your besties' schedules are going to get mixed in the process and you might not even get a ‘hello’ walking by in the hallways (I know that feeling). In college, friends stay a little closer because if you're pursuing the same diploma, or taking similar or the same classes, it's possible that your friendship could last forever! You could be study buddies, and that could lead to grabbing coffee at Starbucks before class! Also, there’s a bit more freedom since you are away from home and Mom can’t judge your friends or embarrass you in front of that one guy that has a crush on you.

Most college students would live off campus if they want to save money, options are to live at home or to rent a house/apartment with a few friends and commute to school. In junior and senior year of high school, a lot of people have jobs and you wonder why people need to save money; they live at home, parents provide food and clothing so why do the need to earn that extra cash? Of course, they want to buy a car! Most people I know in high school have a job close to the high school because the bus drops them off close to that job. Most of them have jobs at chain restaurants or grocery stores locally. Having your own money to pay for a used or new car in full gives a sense of pride because you could save enough of your money to make such a big purchase. A car could give you some freedom because you have the options to go wherever you want whenever you want with whoever you want!

Not only would living off campus save living expenses but in some cases, it would save having to buy a meal card. Although it’s a dreading thought to have to cook for yourself and clean up after yourself too, if you live with friends, everyone could participate and help out. It would make life a whole lot easier and it even provides some bonding time for everyone! If you get tired of cooking, then you can always just go to the dining hall and purchase your meals. Meals probably seem more expensive just buying them as you go, but in the long run, you end up saving money. Meal cards in college are bought at the beginning of the semester, and they can go for $1,000 to $2,000, and are also a requirement to purchase one if you are living on campus. Living on campus can cost about $10,000 alone. Students don’t have time to purchase that much food, in-between classes. If you are planning to live on campus, it is good to buy a meal card, though, especially if you’re tired of Mom's home-cooked meals or microwavable Stouffers mac and cheese.

A con about staying at college no matter how far away it is from home, is that you might get homesick. It happens to most college students, especially because the workload eventually builds up to be too much to handle. In my experience, junior year of high school was the most difficult because that is pretty much what your academic career has led up to and colleges are going to be more concerned with how you did in junior year than how you did in that one beginning semester of senior year when you started applying. In junior year, you take five difficult regents exams if you would like to receive your advanced regent's diploma (that’s what I’m going for). There are only two types of diplomas, that one and a regents diploma. The best option is, of course, the one you are most capable of, but you would want to go with the more advanced diploma because it’s too difficult for some people, and you want to stand out to colleges and jobs as much as possible. I find junior year as the most difficult because it trains you mentally, but as hard as some teachers try, college work can still strain you mentally and just be too much. At least in high school, the teachers would like to help a student as much as possible, college professors are different because they mostly give a lecture on what your assignment is, and you have to learn it for yourself. Through your academic career, you slowly grow and understand to take on more responsibilities.

The good thing about college is that they have a library where you could spend all day if you would like. The library provides you with anything you need to know about everything. It’s great to just grab a book and do some research hanging out on campus or going home and studying up in a place you feel most comfortable in. The most important thing is to have a good place where you can do your work and not be distracted. Some great places are staying on campus in the library, a coffee shop on campus, or even just on a bench outside if it's warm enough. I find that having a clear space and only my work, and maybe some music, helps me to study and focus. Some coffee shops also have free wifi just for people who are looking for some peace and quiet. Just be careful not to damage library books or your college textbooks. College textbooks cost a lot and if you’re lucky, some college campuses have a bookstore where they sell textbooks for cheap prices, or else there's always online stores like if you find books cheaper there.

I am looking forward to college even though it can seem a little nerve wrecking at first glance. It’s always nerve wrecking to go out of your normal routine. College is just another stepping stone in my life that I will have to achieve and overcome. College is a learning experience in itself and it also gives a great opportunity to be able to make new friends that could last a lifetime. One of the most important things to remember in college is to have a great time! You have waited your whole life for the college experience so make the most of it!
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