Dear friend,
I know I don't know you very well. I know you're going through a tough time. If there is any way I can help please let me know because I would love to help you. You're feeling alone. I know what that feels like and it sucks, but trust me you're not alone. Take the mask off please. Don't hide your emotions. I care about you. Is it okay if I care about you? You don't suck. You're not stupid. You're not ugly. You are priceless. Do you believe in God? Do you? I do. Did you know he loves you? Do you know that you are perfect? Yes, you mess up. So do I, but we're perfect in God's eyes. Put the pills away, put the knife away, put the gun away, put the rope away. Listen, to me when I say this. You are not too far gone. You are not too messed up. I may not know what you're going through and I won't say you're not going through anything, but what I know is you don't have to deal with it alone. You don't have to feel that pain alone. Please please I beg of you please don't let it end this way. You are precious. If not to someone then you are to me. I may not know you but the thought of you taking your life affects me too. You life is just at the beginning. Don't let it end now. Don't do this to those who love and care about you. Please don't do this to yourself.
My words may not matter, but I hope you know that you do.…
Love and praying,
Desmond Vera