Hello there new freshman friend. Wow, it's taken you all of this time to finally get here. All of your hard work, or not so hard work has finally paid off and you made it through! Welcome to college. After all of the awful application process, financial aid sit downs and even the housing agreement you are set and ready to go. Let college begin, but wait you're thinking: "what if I don't know anybody, where am I going to eat, better yet where is my class?" Take a deep breath and remember that everybody on that campus was once in your shoes. Remember that this is a fresh start and you have nothing to lose. With all of that in mind, I am going to give you a few words of advice and wisdom that has been passed down to me, or I have learned along the way to my senior year.
1. This is a fresh start!
They don't call it freshman year for no reason! You are arriving at a beautiful new place and the majority of people will not know you. That is a good thing. If you wanted to be different in college than who you were in high school you can If you picked up a new hobby or club in college that you haven't previously been interested in before, then that is also a good thing. One of the best things to do to get adjusted to college fast is stepping out of your comfort zone and having totally new experiences. Starting your first day, you are building your reputation on and off of that campus and in the classroom. What is yours going to be? Will it be the student who studies hard and is involved in Greek life, or will it be the student who is on a football scholarship and a part of FCA? All of these are things to consider and to recognize from day one.
2. Go to things!
Don't think you are to cool to go to certain events. This isn't high school anymore. In college everybody supports one another. Why? Because everybody is just as lost as you and trying their best to hold on and make it through as well. You are an adult now who can make their own independent choices of what you really want to do. I highly recommend that you go support your friends at their sporting events, go see the musicals and plays and/or join an intramural team. You will not believe all of the super fun things that take place on college campus's. Some activities could vary from intramural volleyball, to slip-n-slide on the quad, to trivia night in the student center. All of these activities are open to you. Not only are they super fun and a de-stressor from all of your hard classwork, but also they are a fantastic way to meet other people and to become a part of your campus.
3. Do I even have to say it? GO TO CLASS!
I will say it since your here reading this, go to class! You or your parents or someone who really loves you is paying a lot of money for you to be able to go to college. (It is not cheap you know!) They have the hopes of you getting a good education and coming out with an awesome job-ready degree. Don't waste their, or your, money! What I usually do is see how much a class costs total and then divide up how many days the class meets. Whatever that number is, is how much you are paying for each day of class. If you choose not to go to class that day then you know how much money you just wasted and threw away. You are paying for your knowledge and education now. You do not ask for a grade, and the professor does not simply give you a grade, it is earned. From day one to the turn in of the final you are in charge of what grade you will get and how much effort you are willing to put into the class. Get to know your professor, ask for help, get a tutor. All of these things are crucial to being successful. And lastly study! You have to study in college or you will not pass. Remember it is all in your hands now.
4. Remember the special moments!
By the time you get to your senior year you will have accumulated 4 years (or more) of memories and smarts. In reality you wont remember the college algebra test that you were so stressed about, or the biology final that you almost didn't pass, instead you will remember the special moments. The special moment like the super late night run to waffle house just to get a chocolate chip waffle. Maybe your memories will include the sisterhood retreat that you went on with your sorority sisters for the first time. Whatever memories you choose to make it dose not matter, just remember to make them. It is so easy to get caught up in the stress and craziness of college life, But always stop to remember the fun times as well. These are the days my friends! These are the days that you will remember and laugh about. Take the time to make those special moments and hold them close, because they don't last forever.
Well freshies that's all I have for now. Don't be nervous it will all work out fine. Get up and go to class on time, it will totally be worth it! Make tons of fun memories with all of your new friends. Lastly remember that it is a new beginning starting now, take advantage of it the best you can. Good luck and see you in four years!