Dear Freshman,
You may expect this article to be sort of the click bait, GIF-filled, laughter sort of article that I usually love to do (I just love GIFs so much), but it's not really going to be like that. I just want to be honest with you, the reader, who has clicked on this article for one reason or another. My freshman year was a mix of really high highs and really low lows. I attend an absolutely wonderful small Southern Baptist college in the south called Anderson University.
Seriously, it's the best college in the whole world (I'm biased, but seriously if you were to attend here you'd understand). AU is filled with so many God-fearing, joyful, hardworking students who inspire me every day. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. However, the story of my freshman year is one that I'm glad I endured but was painstakingly hard at certain points.
I came into college as a beaten down high schooler craving community and inspiration spiritually and educationally. I really, really didn't like high school for many reasons, but mainly because I felt a huge lack of strong, solid Christian community outside of my church. Because of this, my college seemed to be much like a beacon of light and hope for the future and I built it up so much in my mind. It's going to be amazing.
I'm going to have such a strong friend group. I'm going to have the community I always wanted. Those things didn't really happen because I did a lot of things wrong my first semester. Take it from someone who has been there, please if I had one chance to speak to your heart, this is what I would say to you:
Make. time. for. Jesus. Do it. No matter what. He is all that matters. Everything we do is for the ultimate purpose of glorifying Him. Your college experience should glorify him and point back to Him. If you aren't spending time with Him, you won't know his will for you and your heart won't be set on the things of Heaven rather than the business of the here and now.
I didn't do a quiet time the first 3 months of my freshman year and those were some of the most lonely, dark, depressing, anxiety-filled months I've ever experienced. Don't try to do it on your own because ultimately your life is not your own.
Find a major you love. Find classes you look forward to. Now, hard work will always be hard work, but it's so much better when you are motivated and pursuing a passion deep in your heart. I thought for so long I knew what I wanted to do, but it could not have been further from God's will for me. I was tired and defeated every single day.
My program was amazing and I have no doubt I would have come out of it with enough knowledge and experience to succeed greatly, but I didn't love it. If you don't love it, leave it. Find something you're super passionate about.
Find community. Don't wait for it to find you. As much as I'd love to say there are God-fearing people who want to disciple someone seeking you out, that's rarely the case. Find a campus ministry AND (notice that is not an "or") find a local church to get plugged in to. Make your faith your own. These are the people who will be there for you when you are broken and hungry for fellowship.
Find friends. I know that sounds dumb, but in the aftermath of the beginning of the semester, you may find yourself alone if you don't take charge of who you spend your time with. I can guarantee you, if you don't talk to people at events, in your classes, and on your hall, they may never approach you first. Get out of your comfort zone and find your people. It may take a while, for me it took an entire semester to really solidify my "group," but trust me friend, it will be worth it.
Don't get so caught up in relationships. Oh my goodness... if you only knew the pressure of being in a relationship at a small Baptist college. Everyone's looking for their Mrs. degree and you get caught in the whirlwind. Make friends to just make friends without alternative motives. Trust me, it saves you a lot of anxiety and heart ache. Don't settle for the person who claims they believe in Jesus, make sure they are pursuing Christ with their life before you take a step forward. Always remember that relationships aren't bad, but idolizing them is.
Have fun. Yes, you're here to learn, but do exciting things. Go hiking. Eat food with friends. Make Target runs every night. Have random dance parties. Go on retreats with your ministry. Serve the local church. College is so. much. fun...but only if you make it fun. Don't sit around watching Netflix 24/7, get out and do things with your people. The memories you make will last a lifetime.