Dear White America,
Do you understand how tiring it is to have to constantly reassure you that being "pro-black" does not make us "anti-white." All it simply means is that a person who identifies as "pro-black" cares about Black people in various forms. It means that they are for our existence, for our freedom, for our need to be seen as equals. They are for us.
Some of you might be upset that being "pro-black" is something that's very popular in society, simply because there is no one who is saying that they are "pro- white". Well, let me ask you some questions. Has anyone ever made you feel like you were inferior or worthless just because of the color of your skin? Do you turn on the news everyday or scroll down a social media platform and see people who look like you or your family slain at the hands of a police officer, who was born with more freedom than his black victim ever was; so much freedom that he/ she just executed a man and will not be held responsible for it? Is there a genocide of your people happening before your very eyes? Are there people against you just because of the color of your skin? No; your answer to all of those questions is no. Yet, for African American's the answer to all those questions are yes.
You all want reassurance that loving everything about black people and black culture is not against you, but continue to show African Americans why we should unapologetically proclaim that we are pro-back. Your white fragility doesn't take away from the fact that we are pro black, and it won't make us feel shame for saying so. Our feelings and existence has never really meant much to you, and to be honest, yours do not matter ti us. For so long many of you have made us feel like we are nothing, but we are here standing up to say that we are and will be pro- black.
Sincerely, a girl who is BLACK and PROUD