"By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower." - Rabindranath Tagore
Dear Flowers In My Garden,
A seed is a plant embryo, and since it is an embryo, it's the product of sexual reproduction. When a seed germinates, a plant grows out of it. After the plant matures, it reproduces. For flowering plants such as the one that created you, that means they attract pollinators such as bees, the wind, or a number of other vectors. Sperm cells leave the pollen and fertilize the eggs, which are found deep inside the flower. The outer parts of the flower (the parts that we think are pretty) then one day may fade away and then the ovules that were fertilized by the pollen then mature and grow to become seeds that are dispersed into the ground to start the whole process over again. Thats where you guys come in.
You were created by this process and sent out into the world for fair price, a price in which I paid to have you. I paid the price to get you because I intend to take care of you. One day I know you'll grow into a plant just as beautiful as the one that created you. You were given sunshine, water, and a good place to grow, and you developed just as I said into something mesmerizing. Each one of you different than the last, some of you are purple, some of you are pink and some of you are even blue.
But one day, someone came along and trampled over you. They may not have realized that what they were doing was wrong, but they still did it anyway and it hurt you. Your petals came off, your stem was crushed, and you felt like you were stripped of your beauty. Others who cared for the garden such as myself were distraught. How could someone do such a thing and not try to fix it? It took you a while to grow back tall and strong but you still managed to do it.
That is what really matters. But you still focus on the one who trampled you, made you feel weak. Why? You see why you wonder why they hurt you, I'm wondering why that matters? Even though your petals came off and you stem was crushed, you are still a flower. You were hurt and you managed to survive and that right there is what is worth focusing on. That right there is your real beauty.
I guess what I'm trying to say, flowers in my garden, is if the ones that admire your beauty and take care of you like my friends, family, and myself. Why can't we see this in ourselves?
The One That Cares For You