As my 20th birthday approaches at the end of the month, I've been reflecting on my life throughout the past five years. I've learned so much, and there is so much that I wish I could tell my freshman-in-high-school self. It's got me thinking about what it would be like to write a letter to my 15-year-old self ... so I did. Here goes:
Dear 15-year-old me,
Here you are, on your our 15th birthday. You've always been afraid of growing up and all of the scary things that may come with it. And I can assure you, you have no idea what the next five years have in store for you. You'll have some great experiences, some downright awful ones, and your life will look wildly different than you ever could have pictured five years from now.
Now that we're friends, can I give you some advice? Cool.
Don't let your pride get in the way of your relationship with your family. Mom and Dad really do know what's best for you, and even though they sometimes seem unreasonable, they are strict because they love you. It's a huge blessing that you have two people who care about you so much that they put limits on you. As you get older, you will still sometimes feel like they aren't giving you the freedom you deserve, but don't turn that into anger towards them. They have sacrificed more for you than you'll ever understand, so make sure to go hug them and tell them that you love them at least once every day.
We've never had much luck with friends in the past. You've felt abandoned and lonely numerous times and, unfortunately, that feeling will kick in every once in a while throughout high school and even into college. As hard as it is to believe, you'll drift apart from some of your current best friends even before the end of the year. Your friend group as a senior will look wildly different than it did as a freshman. And don't even get me started on college. But here's the thing: the friendships you'll develop your senior year of high school and freshman year of college will be indestructible, and those will be the people that will always have your back. Don't take them for granted for a second.
Please don't ever put your worth in boys, friends or the number of likes you get on social media. You are so much more valuable and have much more worth than a number next to a picture or which boys think you're cute. Keep your identity in Jesus and who He made you to be.
Going along with that, it's true, boys (yes, plural) will break your heart over the next few years. It's going to happen, and no, it won't be fun. But I promise you 110 percent, that you will come out on the other side of heartbreak so much stronger and more confident in who you are and the amazing woman that God made you to be. I know, I know, who needs another person telling you to wait it out and that it'll all be worth it someday, right? That's the last thing you want to hear, I get it. But someday, you'll realize that I was right (told you so).
And hey, who knows. Maybe you'll get to share your high school experiences as a Young Life leader someday, with 15-year-olds like yourself.
Lastly, please, for the love of God, stop posing for all of your Facebook pictures like you are in physical pain. Whoever told you that looked cute was lying to your face.
Love always,
Your 20-Year-Old Self
P.S. Happy birthday!