Dear Female Marine,
Your journey started at Parris Island. It was sweltering hot if you arrived during the summer or freezing cold if you went in the middle of winter. You endured 13 weeks of getting screamed at on a daily basis by your drill instructors. It must have been scary especially if you were only eighteen years old and just walked out of high school with your diploma. However, through those three months, you were transformed from a girl into a woman. You gave it 110% each and every day during that crucial time and it was so worth it when your drill instructor gave you your Eagle, Anchor, and Globe after you completed the culminating event of boot camp: The Crucible.
You are the role model, leader, and example for every American girl out there. I know personally that your hard work has inspired me on a daily basis. After I graduate from TCU in May 2017, I would like to have the opportunity to earn my Eagle, Anchor, and Globe. I would like to take my place as part of the fewer and the prouder.
I honestly wish that you could be glorified more in the media. You work so hard each and every day and barely get any applause. Isn't it sad that the media has no problem keeping up with the Kardashians yet when it comes to people like you who actually make a positive difference in our nation and your community on a daily basis, they virtually ignore you?
You are the example that every man should strive to be. You might have a few guys who are scared of you because you are no ordinary housewife, housekeeper, or secretary. You know that that is perfectly OK because they are afraid of greatness and are jealous of you. You know that they aren't worth the time or the energy to argue against, worry about, or think about. You don't wear high heels and diamonds to work or just work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday. Instead, you wake up in the wee hours of the morning, pull your hair up in a bun, march in your boots in military confidence, and wear your Marine khaki or utility uniform to work. Sometimes you come home late in the evening. Many times you will be working on the weekends and during the holidays. Your standards might be too high and your light might shine too bright for some. And let's be honest, that is completely OK. You will keep showing the world each and every day that it is OK to be confident, to be independent, to never compare yourself to others but to better yourself each and every day, to respect yourself, and to not care about what others think about you.
Keep up the good work. Keep on serving the greatest nation in the world and most importantly, The Father Above. I will be praying for you and your family each and every night. Thank you so much for your service. Without brave women like you defending our nation 24/7, our enemies would not fear us, therefore, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that are so precious to us. Most of all, I cannot wait to call you my sister very soon.