Dear Ex Boyfriend,
Hey there stranger. It's been a year since we decided that it'd be better if there was no longer an "us." Just you. And just me. So much has changed since then. So much has changed since you stopped being my best friend. I miss you more than words could ever possibly describe. It's no surprise to anyone that knows me that you made such a huge impact on me. (Although they are not huge fans of how many triggers I have now but...whatever.)
So, I want to say thank you. I have no resentment towards you. I am beyond thankful for the time that we had the time that we did together. I have grown as a person in ways I never really thought possible.
I learned more about trying to be a part of a team and communicating about things. Granted, I hate communicating about certain things to this day, you made it so much easier. I learned how to truly love beyond myself; how to love someone not despite their flaws, but love every aspect of someone and appreciate those flaws too.
So much reminds me of you and I can't get myself to stop getting upset about it. I still hear songs and relate them to how things were, how it ended (and no, you nosy people, it wasn't a nasty breakup) and how I feel about things now. I still hear songs that you introduced me to and find it difficult to listen all the way through.
I think about your endless playlists and just driving around without a destination. I also remember silly little poems that you'd text to me. I'm sorry that I wasn't always the best girlfriend to you, but thank you for allowing me to take our breakup and use it as a growing experience. I know now how I should treat my future boyfriend--I should be much more grateful and I really need not to take people or moments for granted.
Moreover, thank you for being such a good boyfriend to me although I did take you for granted when you only wanted what was best for me. (To his next girlfriend, never take this guy for granted!!) Thank you for being patient with me especially when my irritability levels were high. Thank you for loving me through and through. Thank you for meeting my standards but thus making it difficult for the next guy. Thank you.
But yeah, it's been a year. I hope you're doing well. I pray for your well-being and I wish you nothing but happiness. If there's anyone in this world that deserves that, I truly believe you do.
I hope one day our paths will cross again and I will be blessed to have you in my life because you have changed my life for good and I could not be more grateful for you.
I wish for you a beautiful future full of wonderful opportunities that will bring you the joy that you truly deserve and I hope life is good to you.
Forever and always,
your first love